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Dark Greyhawk

A reimagined world where the players could NOT save the day and evil has taken firm control of the land. The following changes are in effect:

1. The Temple of Elemental Evil finally won the day. Tharizdun and his followers revealed their hand and now hold sway in the regions around former Verbobonc. Other elemental princes of evil managed to claim territory duing the power grab with Imix controlling the Baklunish West, Olhydra dominating the former Solnor Ocean and Cryonax, the Elemental Prince of Cold, ruling the former Thillronian Peninsula

2. Endless conlict and turmoil between crowns in the former Great Kingdom allowed the cultists of Tiamat to spread eastward from her temple hidden in the Rakers and dominate much of the Northern Province.

3. Iuz the Old maintains sway over his vast holdings though had to surrender lands around the Bandit Kingdoms, Tenh, the Pale and portions of Urnst to the worm god Kyuss and his fatalist followers.

4. A number of power players from the past finally succeeded in staking claims to portions of the Flanaess. Iggwilv, the Witch-Queen of Perrenland, claimed her former holdings as an ally to her vile son Iuz. The naga known as the Serpent God controls minor holdings around Orlane and the Rushmoors. The Slave Lords, operating openly through the former Free-City, serve as puppet rulers to the powerful Church of the Earth Dragon. The Giants and their allies enjoy much of the Keoish River Valley with the fire giants in the Hellfurnaces, the evil cloud giants in their floating cloud city ruling the Crystalmist and the lands to the east. The dark drow have likewise staked a claim and serve the way of Lloth along the Sheldomar.

5. Finally, The Thirteen and their demodand allies, operated out of the city of Cauldron, Acererak plots from his citadel in the former Sunndi, the Scarlet Brotherhood continues to manipulate from their base, the sahuagin spread out from the region along Saltmarsh eventually taking dominion over a large portion of the Azure Sea and the yuan-ti captured Hepmonaland in the name of the Night Serpent

My maps are always free for private use. I am always open for tips however at 

Thank you for your patronage!

Last edit: 2 years ago
Aspect ratio: 4:3